Categories: Uncategorized

29 Ways To Practice Self-Love

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 1. REQUIRED: Do you need a video opener? */

/* Set to ‘true’ if using video for the opener, if you’re just using a static image, set to ‘false’ */

var hasVideo = true;

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 2. REQUIRED: Whether a static image or video hero, you’ll need add your hero images here. For video, this image is used as loading/low battery image */

/* Desktop & Tablet Hero image should be 2000px wide, optimized via using mozJPG at 70% compression, upload to DASH Media Library, grab url of image and paste here. */

var desktopHeroImage = “”;

/* Mobile Hero image should be 1280px wide, optimized via using mozJPG at 70% compression, upload to DASH Media Library, grab url of image and paste here. */

var mobileHeroImage = “”;

/* /// Tip: If creating a first frame image for a video opener, make a screen cap of the final uploaded JWPlayer video as JW will do it’s own compression on you video and thus the color maybe different. */

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 3. REQUIRED: Whether video or image only, please add accessible alt text, if there is text baked into the image, you should add it here. */

var desktopHeroAltText = “29 Acts of Self Love”;

var mobileHeroAltText = “29 Acts of Self Love”;

/* /// Tip: If quote marks are needed in text, use ” if you need an emdash use — */

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 4. REQUIRED FOR VIDEO: Desktop & Tablet Wide, video URL from JWPlayer, use 1920px 8:3 wide asset, mp4 is best, no audio, 6-10 second loop, do not repeat the loop in the file */

var desktopVideo = “”;

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 5. REQUIRED FOR VIDEO: Moble video URL from JWPlayer use 720px 8:3 square to tall asset, typical ratios 1:1,5:6,4:3, no audio, 6-10 second loop, do not repeat the loop in the file */

var mobileVideo = “”;

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 6. INTRO / BOILERPLATE: Do you need an intro blurb under the hero? */

/* If yes, set to ‘true’. if no, set to ‘false’ */

var hasIntro = true;

/* Add your intro text here */

var introText = “Practicing self-love should be a daily habit, whether you’re celebrating a major milestone, like landing your dream job or moving into your first solo apartment, or simply just because. That’s why we partnered with Shane Co., purveyors of timeless handcrafted fine jewelry, to explore the countless ways we can show ourselves a little gratitude each day. From gifting yourself something that sparkles to indulging in a day of pampering, click the tiles below for 29 unique “treat yourself” ideas.”;

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 7. SPONSOR / BRAND BANNER: Do you need a sponsor or brand banner? */

/* If yes, set to ‘true’. if no, set to ‘false’ */

var hasBanner = true;

/* Banner image, transparent PNG, 600×80 for Sponsored, 600×200 for Brand, be sure to use optimize with oxiPNG using Reduced Palette */

var bannerImage = “”;

/* REQUIRED: Add your banner’s alt text here. */

var bannerImageAltText = “Created in partnership with Shane Co.”;

/* Need a url for click tracker etc.? Add here. Leave blank if not. */

var bannerURL = “”;

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 8. CHECK: Is there a double ad showing up under the hero? */

/* Set to ‘true’ to remove extra ad, set to ‘false’ if all looks ok */

var removeExtraAd = false;

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* 9. EDIT: Rollover image transparent png. Square min 2000px x 2000px. Squooshed. */

const cardHoverImage = “”;

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */


let mobile = false;

/* What device is this? */
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
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// Show new pop
let e = [“tmp-popup-” + id];
let a = document.getElementById(e); = “block”; = “1.0”;

const pop = document.getElementById(“tmp-pop”); = “block”;

var waitForFadein = setTimeout(function(){
clearTimeout(waitForFadein); = “1.0”; = “0.3s”; = “0.3s”;

// Clean up
a = undefined;
e = undefined;

// Hide nav
if(mobile) {

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prevPop = id;



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var waitForFadeout = setTimeout(function(){
clearTimeout(waitForFadeout); = “none”; = “none”;

// Clean up
b = undefined;
f = undefined;

// Show nav
if(mobile) {

}, 200);



// Next and previous

let nextID;
let prevID;

function nextPopup() {

// Current one
let h = [“tmp-popup-” + prevPop];
let d = document.getElementById(h);

// Next one
if (prevPop 0) {
prevID = prevPop – 1;
} else {
prevID = 28;

let q = [“tmp-popup-” + prevID];
let r = document.getElementById(q);

// Fade out current one = “0.0”;

// Fade in next one = “block”; = “1.0”;

// Hide current one = “none”;

// Clean up
n = undefined;
m = undefined;
q = undefined;
r = undefined;

// Store it
prevPop = prevID;


function setupGridTitle() {
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” + (e+1) + “


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“,1==hasIntro?”block””none”;let l=document.getElementById(“tmp-banner”);l.innerHTML=n,1==hasBanner?”block””none”}function loadVideo(){var e=document.getElementById(“tmp-video-hero-desktop”), t=document.getElementById(“tmp-video-hero-mobile”); window.innerWidth > 960 && ((e.src=desktopVideo), e.load()), window.innerWidth > 767 && window.innerWidth < 961 && ((e.src=desktopVideo), e.load()), window.innerWidth < 768 && ((t.src=mobileVideo), t.load());}function setupVideo(){(document.getElementById("tmp-content").innerHTML='‘), loadVideo();}function setupStatic(){document.getElementById(“tmp-content”).innerHTML=’‘;}function setup(e){1==e ? setupVideo() : setupStatic(); showHero();}function manageAds(e){if (1==e){let e=document.getElementsByClassName(“row-ad”); (e[0].style.display=”none”), (e=void 0), delete e;}}function ready(e){(document.attachEvent ? “complete”===document.readyState : “loading” !==document.readyState) ? e() : document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, e);}(document.onmouseleave=function (){window.isReady=!1;}), window.addEventListener(“resize”, function (){window.isReady=!1;}), (window.isReady=void 0 !==window.isReady && window.isReady), ready(function (){var e=setInterval(function (){window.imagesLoaded && (imagesLoaded(“#tmp-load”,{background: !0}, function (){(window.isReady=!1), clearInterval(e);}), clearInterval(e));}, 100); if (!1 !==window.isReady) return; window.isReady=!0; const t=setTimeout(function (){clearTimeout(t), setup(hasVideo), setupBanner(), initOther(), manageAds(removeExtraAd);}, 500);});

Buy Yourself A Birthday Gift

Host A Dinner Party

Concoct A Fanciful Cocktail
(Or Mocktail)

Get A Massage

Gift Yourself Something Sparkly

Take A Long Bath

Be Your Own Date

Buy Fancy New Bedding

Wear Your Most Luxurious Pajamas To Bed

Ditch Your Phone & Go Outside

Go On A #HotGirlWalk

Recite A Self-Love Affirmation

Spend A Lazy Day On The Couch

Order That Second Martini

Have An At-Home Spa Day

Change Up Your Hairstyle

Up Your Necklace Layering Game

Indulge In A #GirlDinner

Take Time To Journal

Treat Yourself…& Your Bestie, Too

Ring In The New Moon

Take A Beach Day

Invest In “Forever” Jewelry

Expand Your Mind

Hone Your Chef Skills

Revamp Your Space

Splurge On Fancy Glassware

Pet An Animal

Plan A Vacation

Buy Yourself A Birthday Gift

Birthdays are a perfect excuse for splurging on yourself. Birthstone jewelry is great for self-gifting — not only does it rep your birth month, but it also imbues you with its special properties, like peridot’s balance and harmony.

Moriah Stackable Peridot and Diamond Ring

Host A Dinner Party

Show off that recipe you just perfected by hosting a dinner party. Enjoy the fruits of your labor by busting out your chicest flatware, grabbing a few bottles of wine, and inviting over a group of your closest friends.

Concoct A Fanciful Cocktail (Or Mocktail)

Play mixologist from the comfort of your own kitchen and concoct a fancy cocktail or mocktail — the more complex, the better. Try incorporating fresh fruit and herbs, an edible glitter rim, or quirky ice cube shapes to keep things interesting.

Get A Massage

Take a break from the noise and indulge in an afternoon of blissful relaxation by booking a massage at your favorite spa. Be sure to make it worth your while and spoil yourself with add-ons like aromatherapy and hot stones, too.

Gift Yourself Something Sparkly

You don’t need to wait for someone else to buy you diamonds — there’s something empowering about gifting them to yourself. Choose a style that’s timeless, like a pair of dainty earrings, so you’ll never have to take them off.

Rainfall Diamond Cluster Earrings

Take A Long Bath

Spend the evening soaking in a long, lavish bath. Don’t forget to light your most luxurious candles, whip out the bath salts, and turn on your favorite true-crime podcast — pour yourself a glass of wine, too, why not.

Be Your Own Date

You know that hot new restaurant you’ve been googling the menu of all week? It’s time to book a reservation for one. Tonight, you’re going to be your own date and take yourself out for a lavish solo dinner.

Buy Fancy New Bedding

Quality bedding can make a world of difference when it comes to getting a proper night’s sleep, which is why you should never feel bad about splurging on a new duvet or sheets. For a more inexpensive upgrade, swap in some silk pillowcases.

Wear Your Most Luxurious Pajamas To Bed

…And then enjoy your fancy new bedding with equally fancy pajamas. Bust out your silkiest set and spritz your pillow with lavender essential oil for a truly blissful night’s sleep.

Ditch Your Phone & Go Outside

Anyone can benefit from a screen break, even if just for an afternoon. Instead of endlessly scrolling through your TikTok feed, spend some time in your local park and get to know the surrounding flora and fauna.

Go On A #HotGirlWalk

To make the most of your time outside, throw on a cute workout outfit and a feel-good playlist, and go on a #HotGirlWalk — and if you’re looking to get even more of an endorphin rush, consider a #HotGirlRun, instead.

Recite A Self-Love Affirmation

Make the time to speak a self-love affirmation into existence, whether you memorize it, write it on a sticky note, or set it as your phone alarm.

Spend A Lazy Day On The Couch

Grant yourself permission to do nothing but laze on the couch for a day. Consider it the perfect time to catch up on your favorite shows, read that book you’ve been trying to dive into, or take as many naps as your heart desires.

Order That Second Martini

Sometimes, treating ourselves can be as simple as ordering that second martini, so allow yourself to indulge a little. Make it a “New York Happy Meal,” and throw in an order of fries while you’re at it.

Have An At-Home Spa Day

You don’t have to splurge on a pricey day at the spa to show yourself some love. Bust out your favorite face masks, hair masks, and body scrubs, and spoil yourself from the comfort of home — perhaps add on a mani-pedi, too?

Change Up Your Hairstyle

Try out a new hairstyle, whether that entails an adventurous cut, dyeing it a different color, or styling it in a new way. Our hair is a powerful tool of self-expression; changing it up is a great way to commemorate a new chapter or milestone.

Up Your Necklace Layering Game

Whether you’re new to necklace layering or looking to add to your current collection, gift yourself something designed to last, like a solid 14k gold paperclip chain. It’ll fit in nicely with your existing pieces, or you can wear it on its own.

Cali Paperclip Chain Necklace

Indulge In A #GirlDinner

Tonight, feast on a #GirlDinner — aka a charcuterie board for one. Grab some artisanal cheeses, fancy cured meats, and all the accouterments your heart desires. You’re not busting out your cookware (…or cleaning it) tonight.

Take Time To Journal

Carve out some time from your busy day to gather your thoughts in your journal. Something as simple as writing out the things you’re grateful for can serve as a powerful daily ritual to kick off or end your day.

Treat Yourself…& Your Bestie, Too

Buy yourself and your bestie an *adult* friendship bracelet. Freshwater pearls, which symbolize love and loyalty, make for a meaningful and unique upgrade from traditional string and beaded iterations.

4mm Cultured Freshwater Pearl Bracelet

Ring In The New Moon

The new moon is a powerful time for intention setting. It’s rife with positive energy for calling in new opportunities and possibilities. Celebrate this monthly occurrence with a ring to match.

Mezzaluna Ice Blue Sapphire Open Ring

Take A Beach Day

Play hooky from work — okay, fine, request the day off — to spend a day at the beach. We all deserve a mid-week mental reset from time to time, and doing it among the sun, sand, and saltwater feels infinitely more special than being in bed all day.

Invest In “Forever” Jewelry

Pick a piece that you can wear forever and with anything, like a 14k white gold diamond bracelet that can elevate an outfit as simple as a tee and jeans.

Snowberry Diamond Bracelet

Expand Your Mind

It’s time to finally sign up for those classes you’ve always dreamed of taking. Enrich your mind (and form new hobbies) by learning French, making pottery, sewing your own clothing — anything beyond staring at a screen.

Hone Your Chef Skills

Tonight, hone your chef skills and take the time to perfect a new recipe. Enjoying a delicious meal you cooked all on your own — even if it’s as simple as leveling up your boxed mac and cheese — can be so rewarding.

Revamp Your Space

Take on a fun home improvement project to breathe new life into your space. Paint your walls a poppy color, put up a dedicated plant-baby shelf, or create good feng shui by rearranging your existing furniture in a new and fresh way.

Splurge On Fancy Glassware

Up your glassware game with some fancy new pieces, like a sculptural mug or a fluted coupe glass. Trust us: They’ll make your morning coffee or after-work cocktails much more fun to drink.

Pet An Animal

Nothing is more therapeutic than petting a cute animal, so if you’re in need of a dopamine boost, spend some time with your furry friends. Don’t have a pet of your own? Consider volunteering at your local animal shelter.

Plan A Vacation

Still have a week’s worth of vacation days to use before 2024? It’s time to finally plan that trip you’ve been putting off, whether it’s upstate or the Amalfi Coast. Go ahead and book your accommodations, and don’t skimp on the amenities.

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

Fashion Birds

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Fashion Birds

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